jueves, agosto 24, 2006


Every summer, three of my best friends and I take a roadtrip to the South Carolina coast to frolic in the sun, eat yummy food, laugh & giggle, paint our toenails, crochet, and just have a large time. I'm the only married one in the group (and the oldest!) but in 7 days Christi will join the missus club and it'll be 2 on 2 next year! Funny, she's already consulted with her hubby-2-B and everything's a go for the tradition to continue next year. (Thanx Matt- U'R a gem!) We celebrated five years of our fun-in-the-sun this past July. We came to the realization (after five years!) that all four of us don't have blood-sisters, and that probably has a lot to do with why this is so special to us.
If you have any Puerto Rican friends, then you know that we give everyone nicknames. I am by far no exception and my friends have joined in the fun. Arjean, a.k.a. Chinola, is from the Philippines and boy, we've had a blast breaking her into the American culture and teaching her slang. We had an impromptu question and answer session with her this year that I won't delve into here, but I'll say it was quite the eye-opener for all of us!
Christi, better known as Chiquita, is the bride-2-B and the beach bunny of the group. Her parents met at Myrtle Beach and this year we drove past the house where she spent the summer when she lost her first tooth.

Tracy is Da Blonde, better known as Pichulina to her closest friends, smart and sassy, loves to cook, read, candle light dinners, walks on the beach... oh wait, wrong web site ;-) But in case you're interested, both she and Arjean would make someone very happy one day. Actually that would be 2 someones because it's not a package deal. They've made me happy and our relationship is totally platonic!!
What I enjoy the most is that we all have a Christian connection - reading devotions, praying, singing together. It's very special and I am so blessed to have them as well as my other girls (Shout-outs to Chelita, Deni, Shawn-Shawn, Naika, Sheilita, Lis, Isa, Maruka, Amyta )

I got this in an email, you know those emails that celebrate girlfriends and empower women. But I thought this was well said: "A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach. When we began this adventure called womanhood; we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other."

By the way, my nickname? Pelusa - it means fuzz - quite appropriate, eh?

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I'm famous I'm famous!!! I am on a blog!! First the newspaper and then this!!
Oh... I guess everyone but me has thier own blog.:-)
Joy, you are so sweet and you know how much all of us love you!!
And - Yippie!! Only seven days and I will be Mrs. Wagner!!

Kev dijo...

I've got my own nickname for ya... its... __________

Anónimo dijo...

Hey Joy!!!! My kids keep asking about you. They said you promised to visit after Cali. Maruka