jueves, marzo 30, 2006

The Young, Rich Ruler - A Different Twist

Ever wonder "what if"? What if I had never left New Jersey? What if I hadn't gone to Club Velvet on that summer night and met Kevin? What if I hadn't been born a Tirado but a Hilton, or a Kennedy? (God knew what He was doing on that one, that's for sure!) What if my mom would have died when she gave birth to my brother? What if... I sometimes wonder "what if" with the stories from the Bible. What if Adam hadn't succumbed to Eve's desire to be like god? What if Abraham would have said, "Forget it! I ain't leavin' Ur." Or David would have thought, "Oh snap! All I have are some rocks. I'm outta here!" How about the opposite. What if Saul would have trusted God and not vexed the Holy Spirit? What if Delilah would have been like the Proverbs woman instead of the seductress? What if the young rich ruler would have sold all his possessions and followed Jesus? That's where I want to take you. I wrote this monologue two years ago and want to share it with you. It's a little long, but it gives us a glimpse into the what if's that must have plagued this poor, rich man for the rest of his life.

Man, I’m poor! I don’t have possessions; nothing of houses, cars, a bank account. The clothes I have on my back are my only possession. And some days when I see an old beggar and I don’t have any money, I give my clothes, my coat, whatever I have on me. One day I even gave away my shoes and I had yet quite a distance to walk. Someone felt sorry for me and gave me another pair. But you know what? I feel so much joy when I share with others. I not only share my material possessions. Those that receive from me don’t always go away with a coat, a pair of shoes, or a coin. They take with them the message of salvation that is also a gift from our Lord Jesus Christ. Do you know him? Jesus? He’s awesome, WOW! He changed my life totally. I had the opportunity to know him and walk with him. I learned from Him. It was the experience of a lifetime, totally transforming.

I haven’t always been poor. I was born into a prominent family. I had quite the happy childhood, full of love and opportunities. I traveled to far away places as a child. I was educated by the best professors and in the most prestigious schools. At the university, I was president of the debate club. All my professors would tell me that in the history of the institution, I was the student that had the brightest and most promising future. My dad died when I was young and left me a fortune. I missed him a lot and felt lonely at times. He was such a wise man, just, full of compassion and happiness. He challenged me to break the mold, to be a man of integrity and not to follow common traditions just to agree with the majority. He challenged me to think for myself. A few months after he died, I met a Man who reminded me so much of my dad. He was a teacher and large multitudes followed him everywhere he went. They followed Him because of the miracles He performed and because of his teachings. He challenged my thinking. He clarified doubts that I had in my heart, he illuminated my mind. And he did it in such a way that was so simple, mere stories! I went to all his lectures. When his eyes came to rest on me, it felt like He was looking into the depths of my soul. That made me feel uncomfortable, because I was a proud young man. I felt proud of my status, my wealth, my intelligence.

One day I came to him and asked him, “Professor, what good can I do to obtain eternal life?” I anticipated his response and I was ready with my next comment. I knew that he was going to mention the law. Since a child I have kept the law. But I wasn't prepared for what he was going to say. His response left me speechless. He could see the pride in my heart and wanted to yank it from its root. He told me that I had to sell all of my businesses, my houses, close out my bank account, sell my stocks, sell my beach house, yachts, everything!! And give it all to the poor. How could that be? Was he crazy? This empire that my dad with the sweat of his brow had built from the ground? How could I sell it all and give it to the poor? I got so sad. I went that night to my house and tried to sleep. But I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned and turned and tossed. Restless. My heart and my mind were restless. I got on my knees and started praying. I wondered what my dad would have done. I thought of what my future would look like without my material possessions. Leave everything and follow Christ. Keep my fortune. Hmmmm. I prayed more and more. All of a sudden, my mind cleared up! What good would my possessions be to me if I can’t find peace? Salvation? Eternal life? When everything is said and done, what would others say of me? I was a successful man and I had lots of “things”. Or I was a man of integrity, sincere, kind, generous. I knew in my heart the decision I had to take. And you know what? It didn’t cost me a thing! In fact, I gained! It wasn't the poor who were so excited to receive my money and clothes that profited from my generosity. The one who gained was me! I was victorious! I walked with Jesus, listened to his teachings. It was with Him and in Him that I found true wealth.

And so here I am. You ask me if I have ever wondered what would have happened if I had made a different decision. Yeah, I have asked myself that question. I think I would have turned into a bitter, unhappy, unstable, desperate man, still looking for something to fill my empty heart. And you know what? I don’t envy him. I don’t envy that man with his material possessions. The man that I was. I have salvation. Salvation doesn’t have a price that I can pay. It’s free, thanks to the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for me. And you.

viernes, marzo 24, 2006

My World Is Aging

Do you feel it too? I remember the day I realized that I was aging. Not that I'm a self-centered person. Well, we all are, really. But I remember looking in the mirror and seeing my laugh lines, little crows feet around my eyes, my pores were getting a little bigger... I didn't freak out. In fact, I kind of liked what I saw: a woman with character and personality, and some experience under her belt. Wow. I didn't look like a teenager anymore. Or like I was in my early twenties. I haven't started feeling the aches and pains of aging yet. Well, I guess the bursitis in my IT band from not stretching before I run is probably an indicator that my muscles are not as flexible and strong as they used to be. But I'm trying to do better with that now. I do notice how much older my parents are getting. The aches and pains they suffer. They seemed so untouchable when I was younger. Like they would last forever. But now they look so vulnerable. And I pray for them so much. I pray for good health, and happiness and peace. I pray for a sound mind and healthy bowels, and a strong heart. God, please keep them safe from disease and viruses. My mom is really a health nut. She's been a health nut all my life, making my brother and I eat all sorts of healthy weird stuff. But it's paid off for me. And I pray that all the hard work preparing home cooked meals with little fat, good protein, lots of vitamins and minerals... all those hours... may they be blessed by God. My dad is a lay pastor for a Hispanic SDA congregation in Central Florida. And he's always giving Bible studies and organizing the programming at the church. Always on the go-go-go. And I pray for him too. He just had a birthday earlier this month. 59 years strong. But now his back is bothering him. All those years slaving away in a production line are taking their toll. Lord, keep him healthy so he can enjoy his retirement. The decades of working for his family, providing for us: food, a home, leisure trips, my piano lessons, my brother's braces...may he enjoy the fruits of his labor for a long time. My parents are awesome and I thank God for them and their quirks. They made me who I am and I'm proud to be their daughter. I hope that as I get older, I'll be like them. Aging gracefully, beautifully, active, setting goals well into my senior years.

miércoles, marzo 01, 2006


I learned something new today. I try to learn something new every day and if I really pay attention to life and what surrounds me, I usually learn a lot. Today, my day started with a lesson. Did you know that a long time ago, people believed the earth was made up of water, earth, fire, and air, and that everything else in the universe such as the planets and stars was made of an unknown fifth element? Quinta essentia in Latin it was called, hence the word quintessence. And because of its importance, if this quintessence could be captured or isolated, it could cure all diseases. So this makes me think, what's quintessential in my life? Besides the water that hydrates and cleanses me, the fire that burns in my heart when I learn and open my mind, the earth my feet trod as I seek to make a difference in my little world, the precious air that strengthens me... What is that fifth element in my life that if captured and isolated could cure me of all disease? I know an element above all elements, the Creator of Elements, the Periodic Table Himself whose main desire is to cure me. Funny thing is that I don't need to capture or isolate Him. He's right here beside me waiting for me to acknowledge Him as the pure Essence in my life. But here's an interesting twist about the word quintessence. Modern physicists have given the word a new meaning - "dark energy" which is what makes up 70% of the universe. You know, it's just like the enemy to try to inch his way into something pure and murk it all up. It's the age-old conflict between good and evil all over again. Today I make the choice to make God quintessential in my life. And I hold on to the promise that He will one day vaporize the dark energy forever and take me to live with Him for all eternity.