lunes, marzo 26, 2007

An Encounter With God

Thousands of bodies were pressed together, adrenaline pumping through our veins, I could smell the anticipation as we anxiously waited the "1...2...3...GO!!" from the MC at the microphone. A blue hue was emerging from the dark sky as the sun attempted to break the darkness. My mind was racing and my heartbeats were erratic, but I took a moment to look up to the dark sky and thank God again for allowing me to be healthy to train for yet another race. These last three months were more physically taxing than my preparation for past races. I had suffered through an inflamed IT band and a swollen bursa sac. New responsibilities at my job and personal life have increased my stress levels, and my body has felt the effects of having a busy and a very much "grown-up" life. God knows how much running means to me, how I connect with Him through prayer and song while I run. And yet, I refuse to allow running to become a god to me, for I will not have any other gods before Him. I pray that if my body image, my interest with my health, and the "high" I get from running ever become more important than my relationship with my Savior, then please Lord, keep me grounded, whatever it may take.

It's so easy for us to lose focus from God. As fallen humans, over the thousands of years that we have populated the earth, we have idolized everything around us. It's so easy to get captivated by the magnificence of how our bodies work and then we take credit for its beauty, its artistic and scientific intricacies. As I waited in that crowd of 15,000 strong, empowered athletes, the voice flowing from the speakers called for our participation in a non-denominational prayer. A local minister who was also running the race was invited to lead the athletes into prayer. He began with a few words of encouragement, inviting the athletes to an encounter with God during the race. Two men beside me scoffed at the invitation. Through my ears and eyes, their laughter was one of mockery. "Yeah, let's encounter 'God' as we run", they said. A man and woman beside them laughed heartily also, then added disbelief that this prayer was actually taking place. "I can't believe this is happening. It is the south, after all" I heard them say. Again, my heart felt heavy with sadness. Who are these people, who are we, that we may laugh in mockery before God, denying His existence? He created us: our lungs, our legs, the veins and arteries, which are our byways and highways to the powerful heart He carefully crafted. From the heavenly perch, I can imagine God sitting on His throne looking at this microscopic speck of a crowd of 15,000 people, hearing the laughter and mockery, a look of sorrow on His face. "I made you, I died for you, and I want you to live with Me forever. Whether here on this race course, or somewhere else in the course of life, I do want to have an encounter with you and offer you eternal life!" As I crossed the start line, I responded to Him "I accept, lead me on!"

I did very well on my race. My chip time at the finish line was 1:56:36 (pace time: 8:53), and I was #146 out of 2020 females in my age bracket (30-39). I ran this race harder than any of the others I have done. I'm pretty sore today, but my heart is full. And I'm feeling thankful and humbled that the Lord has granted me endurance, good health, and a supporting husband. Speaking of husbands, check out Kevin's blog for some great pictures he took of the event. I told him he stole my thunder by beating me on blogging about the race last night!! When it comes to blogging, Kevin is hands-down the winner!

4 comentarios:

Tim Watson dijo...

Congrats for finishing the race! What a great example you are to us. :) Now if I could only get my butt in gear and get back to running or something like that too.

Kev dijo...

you're the best Joy!

Anónimo dijo...

As I sit here eating my delicious Kinder chocolate, I want to congratulate you! You are an inspiration in every aspect of your life, and we are very proud of all the things that you have done. You go girl!!!!

joy dijo...

Tim: thanks for the kudos. So you used to run?

Kev: I love you!

Amy: Mmmm, Kinder chocolate!! That's why I run!! Thanks for the words of encouragement.