viernes, julio 27, 2007

More than meets the "I"

Transformer makeovers. As a twirly little girl, I used to love playing makeover. I didn't have fancy clothes or feather boas to play with, but I would fantasize about one day being transformed from a nobody to a princess. Eliza Doolittle, Anastasia, Cinderella... Hollywood has capitalized on this very little-girl fantasy. But not all makeovers are an improvement. I was watching a talk show this week- I don't know why, but my dead brain cells must have resurrected as zombies and taken over the few good cells I still have. Anyway, it was a show on makeovers - pretty girl makeovers. The first candidate was a poster child for all the 80's fashion faux pas every American woman regrets. I'm talking bleached hair, with the 10-foot cemented bangs, bright eye shadow and ruby red lips, all topped off with spandex. She was transformed with dark flowy, natural hair and make-up, and well-fitted clothing. I was optimistic after seeing her transformation; this show may not be so bad after all. The feeling that I was not wasting time worshipping the one-eyed monster was short-lived. The rest of the transformations were complete with hair extensions galore, outfits suitable for music videos, and fake excitement. One of the women stood out - she was very attractive in a natural way. She had short curly hair, a healthy complexion, and cool glasses - a natural beauty that only needed a little steering. After her day at the salon, she was given long, straight auburn extensions and an outfit that cried, "Look at me!" I actually thought she looked better before her makeover. The stylists painted her in a different picture from what she truly represented. She didn't appear too ecstatic about her new look and I felt sad for her, almost like she had sold-out her real self in front of national TV. Her 10 seconds of fame were marred by an image of someone who didn't truly represent what she was about.

Thankfully, I let go of those little-girl fantasies. I've come to the realization that the beauty from within is what shines brightest from without. God has played the major role in my total makeover transformation. He knows what I need - and it's none of this over-rated, materialistic, temporary glamour. Superficial beauty fades with trends, time and age - but the sparkle in our eyes, the fire in our hearts, and the smiles that begin from the inside is what captures and transforms.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Great post. Inspirational!

I love this sentence:
"Superficial beauty fades with trends, time and age - but the sparkle in our eyes, the fire in our hearts, and the smiles that begin from the inside is what captures and transforms."

Thanks Joy!