jueves, julio 19, 2007

The Class of 87

"She's a brick - house..." Reconnecting with the '80's - that's what I'll be doing this weekend. Watching Kevin's old friends relive, reminisce, and recount the highlight of their lives - high school. Kevin's stories from his high school era have increased greatly during the last month when we decided we would attend his 20th reunion. Hearing him talk about his friends and their escapades, I couldn't help but go down the "what if" memory lane. All the crossroads I encountered throughout that four-year chapter of my life, if I took a left turn instead of a right turn, how close would I be to where I am today? What if I had concentrated less on math and science, and more on literature and music? What if I had defied my parents and pursued the crush of my life? What if instead of moving to FL my senior year I would have stayed in NJ? What if... What if... What if?

How many people waste their lives pondering what ifs? It doesn't matter, does it? What's done is done and there's no going back and doing it differently. The choices we made are irreversible. But there is hope for the bad choices - they can be improved. Even as we pay the consequences from mistakes in our past, we have the choice to pursue a better outcome. By wisely choosing the best option, I can improve my situation. Improvement doesn't always have to be measured by how good things are -it may take a while to see improvement. Even if things don't look rosy - a good way to look at a situation is how not worse things have gotten. I choose to be positive, to expect good, and to be happy with how my life has turned out. It will be interesting to see how many people I encounter this weekend that feel the same way.

2 comentarios:

Kev dijo...

What if... I had the chance to choose my bride again before I got married? I would choose you again. That is one of two decisions I have made in my life that I will never regret. The other is accepting Jesus into my life.

I never wish I lived in the past, although sometimes the past affects me. But thank God that we can choose how our future will be.

Jo Ellen dijo...

What if...all of the prayers I prayed had been answered the way I wanted? Among other things, I would have been married 3 times! (To Ralph Macchio, Ricky Schroder, AND Kirk Cameron!) Not to mention I'd be stuck with a barn full of horses I'd have to take care of.