For as long as I can remember, most of the individuals that make up my circle of friends have a common denominator: music. It all started with my best friend's sister, Maribel. I had been taking piano lessons for about two or three years. I hadn't really played in public, except for an old Spanish bolero song or two that the occasional pleading family member or visitor who would force, I mean, request me to play. I had been practicing daily, fascinated by the mathematical logic that comprises music, the Italian terms rolling off my tongue as if I was a native speaker, and the black specks called notes that danced in front of my eyes as I interpreted their meaning on ivory keys. For two years, my growing talent was a well-kept secret. That is until my best friend, Nanette, told her older sister that my piano playing was getting pretty good for a ten year-old. She wanted to sing at church and asked me to play for her. So I did. I played straight from my little heart, somewhat scared, but I managed to keep my eyes on the music and block out the people around me. I became the background: the small, insignificant details that surround a model in a painting. Yet without those details, the model's imperfections are brought to light. I was the adjectives and adverbs, the euphemisms and metaphors that support a storyline. Without them, the narrative is bland and not worth telling. I enjoyed playing so much that I decided I would always play for others to sing. And so began a life-long journey of musical friends: Broadway, hymns, jazz, Gospel, sacred, and contemporary Christian. I've played it all, for others to sing. And I love it.
I have a group of friends from church, and we've been getting together since October to sing- harmonizing, arranging music, laughing. It's a lot of fun and also a lot of work. We've performed at our local church a few times already and our sound is pretty good. Tight harmonies, the melodious intonations of female voices floating through the air, the words praising our risen Savior, all of it makes the time and effort we put into learning music together worthwhile. It's sweet to the ears, light on the heart, and lovely to behold. That's what music is to me. At certain moments, some of us have experienced goose bumps and realized that a song has touched us; the harmonies sung just right, the meaning of the words impacting our hearts. Ministering to each other through laughter and prayer, the occasional kind word of support, and ministering to others who listen to us - that's what this group is about. And the friendships I'm developing with each of the girls, especially the ones I don't know that well, are becoming important part to me.
Here are some pictures of a vespers service we presented at a nearby church last weekend. We shared from our hearts, through spoken word and song.

Here is the talented and beautiful D, always enjoying herself as she shares her love for God and His music.

The "trio": mother & daughter team Melanie and Megan, and long-time friend Jennifer

Jennifer singing "O Calvary's Lamb", a beautiful song about our Savior.

Arjean and I practicing before her big "American" debut.
1 comentario:
Will you email me these pictures, Joy?
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