viernes, marzo 24, 2006

My World Is Aging

Do you feel it too? I remember the day I realized that I was aging. Not that I'm a self-centered person. Well, we all are, really. But I remember looking in the mirror and seeing my laugh lines, little crows feet around my eyes, my pores were getting a little bigger... I didn't freak out. In fact, I kind of liked what I saw: a woman with character and personality, and some experience under her belt. Wow. I didn't look like a teenager anymore. Or like I was in my early twenties. I haven't started feeling the aches and pains of aging yet. Well, I guess the bursitis in my IT band from not stretching before I run is probably an indicator that my muscles are not as flexible and strong as they used to be. But I'm trying to do better with that now. I do notice how much older my parents are getting. The aches and pains they suffer. They seemed so untouchable when I was younger. Like they would last forever. But now they look so vulnerable. And I pray for them so much. I pray for good health, and happiness and peace. I pray for a sound mind and healthy bowels, and a strong heart. God, please keep them safe from disease and viruses. My mom is really a health nut. She's been a health nut all my life, making my brother and I eat all sorts of healthy weird stuff. But it's paid off for me. And I pray that all the hard work preparing home cooked meals with little fat, good protein, lots of vitamins and minerals... all those hours... may they be blessed by God. My dad is a lay pastor for a Hispanic SDA congregation in Central Florida. And he's always giving Bible studies and organizing the programming at the church. Always on the go-go-go. And I pray for him too. He just had a birthday earlier this month. 59 years strong. But now his back is bothering him. All those years slaving away in a production line are taking their toll. Lord, keep him healthy so he can enjoy his retirement. The decades of working for his family, providing for us: food, a home, leisure trips, my piano lessons, my brother's braces...may he enjoy the fruits of his labor for a long time. My parents are awesome and I thank God for them and their quirks. They made me who I am and I'm proud to be their daughter. I hope that as I get older, I'll be like them. Aging gracefully, beautifully, active, setting goals well into my senior years.

5 comentarios:

Kev dijo...

Oh good...its gonna get better!!

Kev dijo...

And she's already graceful and beautiful!

Anónimo dijo...

Hey Joy this Abdiel, I think I know the feeling, and let me tell you I agree with Kevin It can only get better.

joy dijo...

Thanks, Isa!! You know, as I get older I have learned to appreciate healthy bowels. Never thought I would write that on my blog. But hey, as i get older i don't care how things sound either. Getting older IS exhilarating - kinda like the sassiness of Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes in that parking lot scene. Remember that?

joy dijo...

Hey Primo!! Yo escribi este blog pensando en Tia Carmen y lo que Uds. estan pasando con su enfermedad. Dale saludos a todos, especialmente a tu mami y dile que he estado orando por ella.