Outside my comfort zone - that could be the theme for my student teaching experience. For so long, I have been somewhat of an expert at my work, answering questions and giving advice as if I am indeed a world renown specialist. But for the last four weeks I have been operating in a world where I am a novice, the intern, an apprentice, starting all over. Humbling myself to depend on someone else for wisdom and expertise is not the challenge for me - I am a forever student and I truly enjoy learning from those who are knowledgeable and wise. The perfectionist in me is who is struggling. I want everything I touch to be the best. I want to be the best student teacher ever to grace the wooden floors of Pine Street School. But alas, I am learning a new trade and the thousands of pages of instructional strategies I have read and poured over in classes for the last five years will not make me a teacher. Only time, experience, mistakes, and a humble attitude will hone these rough edges and make me the expert I long to become.
What has really stood out for me these last few weeks into this new adventure? I am learning that to redirect is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of growth. To admit that this is not working is a sign of strength and will reap respect. I may not be the best (right now). But I am the most malleable.