Grows sporadically in the spring, most frequently in areas where high volume of activity occurs. Actually, the title of this post has nothing to do with my botanical aspirations. It merely describes my prolonged absence in literary creativity. Not that I haven't been inspired by the daily lessons in life that so often come unexpectedly my way. There have been plenty of those opportunities- from the cute field mouse that was frantically trying to escape my clumsy feet the other day as I ran through my neighborhood- to my wonderment at the clusters of strawberries which grew and ripened in spite of the lack of sunshine, hidden underneath a plastic sheath. There just hasn't been enough time to sit down and take the millions of thoughts and words that float through my grey matter every day and transform them to word pictures worth sharing with my little world.
Writer's block. Lackluster novelty. Interest lost. I had nothing to say, plenty to think about, and no desire to share. But that's why it's called a hiatus - because eventually you come back. Refreshed.